belated inauguration post

This inauguration was like another Christmas for me. Actually, it was like 8 years of Christamases. Granted my memory only extends back through about two and a half presidents, but I have to say, I don’t expect to ever be this excited about a politician again.  We didn’t go downtown at all, but even just watching it on television and talking to people who were there was amazing. Weeks like this really bring home what this nation is all about. And I love it so!

This is my new happy place:

Now, I’m a big NPR geek, but mainly I enjoy their news programming, so I don’t listen often on the weekends, since that tends to be more entertainment and call in type shows. But I hopped in my car last night and caught the beginning of “Prairie Home Companion” with Garrison Keillor. Usually I would switch it to something else, because I find that show kind of weird, but he started off with a poem he wrote about the inauguration, and then a cheeky Obama song – and they were great! I’ve been digging around online to find them, but they don’t seem to be posted yet. I’ll update this post once they are.